Epithelial Growth Factor(EGF): The Root Cause of Skin Cells

EGF's Secret to Stopping
the Aging Clock

Forever young, forever beautiful. Our desire for beauty is endless, which is why the anti-aging market never dies. In an aging society, anti-aging goes beyond just beauty and self-satisfaction; it's now seen as a part of self-management. So, what's the latest buzz in anti-aging management? EGF is drawing a lot of attention in the anti-aging market.

image Do You Know About Epithelial Growth Factor (EGF)?

New anti-aging cosmetics are flooding the market. If you’ve ever been overwhelmed by countless options, remember 'EGF.' EGF stands for 'Epidermal Growth Factor,' discovered by Dr. Stanley Cohen in 1962. Known for healing wounds and regenerating blood vessels, EGF is found in human body fluids and consists of 53 amino acids. This discovery earned Dr. Cohen the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1986. But what benefits does EGF offer?

EGF Addresses the Root Cause of Skin Cell Aging

EGF, present in the skin, promotes cell growth, heals wounds, maintains elasticity, and stabilizes damaged skin. It enters epidermal cells to promote their division and proliferation by acting on cell nuclei. This manages the entire skin regeneration process by controlling the speed of cell division and proliferation, and the rate of dermal regeneration. EGF minimizes scars, promotes the proliferation of fibroblasts (which synthesize collagen), and induces the secretion of factors that form and regenerate blood vessels in damaged skin. Additionally, EGF supplementation quickly produces new cells and exfoliates aging cells, enhancing skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles. It also suppresses and decreases melanin production, resulting in a whitening effect. EGF is popular as a cosmetic ingredient because it addresses the root causes of skin issues like whitening, elasticity, wrinkles, and moisture. This is why EGF is highly valued in the anti-aging field.

image Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Skin Aging

What daily habits can help prevent skin aging? Manage Telomeres: Telomeres protect chromosomes and shorten as cells divide. When telomeres wear out, it leads to aging and diseases. However, telomeres can be extended with positive thoughts and behaviors, which benefit skin health. Eat Beneficial Foods: Consuming a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, rich in phytochemicals, can help with antioxidants, anti-inflammation, and anti-cancer properties. Regularly include blueberries, eggplants, carrots, pumpkins, and onions in your diet. Mixing and eating five or more different fruits and vegetables enhances the absorption of phytochemicals.
Use EGF-Containing Cosmetics: To prevent skin aging and maintain healthy skin, check the ingredients in your morning and evening skincare products. EGF targets cell-based issues, solving various skin problems. Make sure your cosmetics contain EGF.


Lifestyle Tips for Anti-Aging
- Positive thinking, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, and using EGF cosmetics -

For youthful and healthy skin, it's essential to fill your day with healthy habits. With a positive mindset, a healthy daily routine, and EGF-containing cosmetics in the morning and evening, you can stop aging and enjoy the youngest skin possible.

⁕ The above information pertains to raw material properties and is not related to any product.